FAQ for Diners

What is Falls Church Restaurant Week?

The City of Falls Church Restaurant Week is a celebration that showcases the diverse and delicious cuisine within the 2.2 square miles of The Little City!

How do I take part in Falls Church Restaurant Week?

No passes, tickets, or coupons are required for this scrumptious event. Instead, diners may visit their favorite participating restaurants during the week of January 19-28, 2024 to enjoy the unique offerings.

Which restaurants are involved?

A complete list of participating businesses will be available on the Restaurant page of this website once they have registered for this event. However, you may call the restaurant of your choice to verify participation.

Are reservations required?

Reservations are encouraged when applicable, but walk-ins are welcomed and appreciated. To make a reservation, view this list of participating restaurants to contact restaurants directly or through their website.

Additional questions?

Please email Tricia Barba at tricia@proximapr.com.

FAQ for Restaurants

If I am a restaurant, how do I promote my participation in Restaurant Week?

The City of Falls Church Restaurant Week is a great way to draw new customers while keeping existing customers involved! Please check out the social media toolkit.

Additional questions?

Please email Tricia Barba at tricia@proximapr.com.